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ArrowCodex - Crowcaller's Chapbook

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Crowcaller's Chapbook in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Crowcaller's Chapbook

  • Ugron gro-Thumog Shadowy Creatia Stitching This stitching is so light, so thin. Under normal circumstances I would assume it was used in creating a nobleman's wardrobe. Someone with money to spend who doesn't care about durability. But this substance seems quite magical. Amalien?
  • Amalien Shadowy Creatia Stitching I wouldn't just call this "quite magical," but extremely magical. I believe this stitching is made from creatia, the very substance, the substrate, of the Daedric Realms. Evergloam, I'd guess, given they seem to be made from the shadows themselves.
  • Gabriele Benele Shadowy Creatia Stitching I strongly sense the chill of Evergloam, good guess Amalien. Imagine what a thief might do with a set of gloves or a mask stitched with these? The power of the Shadow Queen herself imbued into a garment. Oh my.
  • Verita Numida Huntlands-Blessed Leather There are runes etched into the soft leather that look like others I've seen from the Hunting Grounds. I consulted Runes and Daedric Symbols by Zirpar Giralvel and discovered that these runes promise the wearer a successful hunt.
  • Reginus Buca Huntlands-Blessed Leather It strikes me as odd that there would be runes for successful hunts etched into the inside of these leathers. Unless the wearer didn't want to give their intentions away, or they didn't want to show an allegiance to Hircine.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Huntlands-Blessed Leather Verita interpreted the runes too literally. When etched into armor these would help them hunt victory on the battlefield. These runes are etched in a place where they are easy to conceal. These are thieves' leathers blessed for successful heists.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Gloamium Rivets Gloamium is an odd material. It looks like ordinary silver and it melts like iron, but these rivets don't feel like either of those metals. They're cold to the touch and won't warm even after I set them down by the fire.
  • Verita Numida Gloamium Rivets Materials from Nocturnal's realm have strange effects here on Mundus. Darkling mana makes paint so black no light escapes from it and court fletched arrows never fly where they're aimed. It's not beyond reason to think these rivets have odd properties.
  • Amalien Gloamium Rivets Verita's correct. I read a story of a watchman in Alinor who accidentally embedded a fleck of gloamium in his eye in 2E 367. The story goes that he lost sight during the day, but could see perfectly well at night. I bet these rivets do the same.
  • Verita Numida Penumbral Oil I read about an experiment conducted in Valenwood around the turn of the era to suspend a shadow in liquid. The experiment supposedly didn't succeed. I think you just discovered proof to contradicting that assumption.
  • Amalien Penumbral Oil Verita would hate this, but I spread a drop of some of this oil on a rag I use for keeping my chair in good condition. I didn't think anything would happen, but then the rag darkened. I think this oil imbues whatever it contacts with shadows. '
  • Verita Numida Penumbral Oil We found several more writings about this liquid that were previously viewed as farcical. If enough of it is used, the material becomes nearly impossible to detect. I'm glad this sample is tightly sealed.
  • Verita Numida Crowcaller's Chapbook The inner cover proclaims this as a book of poetry to dazzle and capture the attention of others. Given the content, I doubt the attention is amorous. Unless the author believed that guts are a suitable gift for their beloved.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Crowcaller's Chapbook I am not a fan of poetry. Still, I admit that the poems stole my focus. I lost an entire days work in their pages. When I finished, I found a feather tucked into the last page that I do not remember seeing there before.
  • Reginus Buca Crowcaller's Chapbook The poems reference knights and knaves so I think they deal with the Blackfeather Court. There's a record of an Imperial scribe going missing in 2E 219. The scribe was found several days later with a pocket full of jewels. Payment, I suppose.