ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

ArrowCommunity Screenshots


In order to use the extended functionality of the ESO-Database you have to be registered and logged in.

As a registered user, you have access to the following features:

  • View the total statistics of your uploaded characters
  • Upload Screenshots and add them to your characters and guilds
  • Configuration options for your characters
  • Auto assignment of your characters with the ESO-Database Client
  • Generate and customize a signature for your characters
  • Get a overview of your tradeskills, your known traits and your known racial motifs.

Your Account

Between 4 and 24 characters, allowed characters: Letters, numbers, spaces and the following special characters: . - _
At least 5 characters

Optional profile information

Format: dd/mm/yyyy

I have read and agreed with Terms Of Use.
* Mandatory field