ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowAdd Character or Guild Client

Our ESO-Database Client synchronize your The Elder Scrolls Online character and guild data with the ESO-Database in the background. The client also keeps itself and the ESO-Database AddOn up to date.

ESO-Database Client Version 3.2.3

Processor At least 1 GHz
RAM At least 500 MB
Additional software Java Runtime Environment Version 21 or higher
Version Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
Processor At least 1 GHz
RAM At least 500 MB
Additional software Java Runtime Environment Version 21 or higher
Version Mac OS X 10.10 or higher
Processor At least 1 GHz Intel processor (Core 2 Duo)
RAM At least 500 MB
Additional software Java Runtime Environment Version 21 or higher
Hardware The Steam Deck™ is required to use this client version. More information about the Steam Deck™

On Windows you will get a warning after the download, which you can avoid by clicking on "More information "and another click on "Run anyway". Read more

Manual upload

If you wish to upload your data manually, you can do so. Click the button below, to go to the manually upload info page.

Client Screenshots