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Codex - Ruby Dragon Skull
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ruby Dragon Skull in the ESO-Database.
Bleakrock Isle
Codex - Ruby Dragon Skull
- You find quite a few jeweled eyes in the dungeoneering business, but an entire skull fashioned from precious stones? That's a true prize. Shows all the signs of a Dragon Cult relic. Probably some sort of ritual focus used during sacrifices.
- Not just any sacrifices. Given the scarcity of Atmoran jewelry, I have a hunch that precious stones are far less common there--or perhaps just more difficult to excavate. Ruby effigies would be reserved for extremely important services only.
- But why a Dragon skull? Prior to the Dragon War, those brutes had little cause to contemplate their own mortality. Unless ... a Dragon itself suffered the sacrifice? Maybe Dragon Priests gathered to watch Alduin administer such a rite. A ghastly thought!