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ArrowTales of Tribute

The Tales of Tribute card overview of the patron Hermaeus Mora of the Elder Scrolls Online in the ESO-Database.

Overview of Patrons Hermaeus Mora Patron

Hermaeus Mora Hermaeus Mora

Starter Starter

Unsealed Glyphic
Unsealed Glyphic

Cards Cards

Apocryphal Pact
Apocryphal Pact
Bargain for Knowledge
Bargain for Knowledge
Cipher of the Eye
Cipher of the Eye
Ink and Blood
Ink and Blood
Threads of Fate
Threads of Fate
Unsettling Aura
Unsettling Aura
Voracious Tomeshell
Voracious Tomeshell

Upgrade Upgrade

Chromatic Reservoir
Chromatic Reservoir
Lantern of the Endless
Lantern of the Endless
Seeker Aspirant
Seeker Aspirant
Unfathomable Secrets
Unfathomable Secrets