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ArrowVulpecula Canis

Breton Daggerfall Covenant Dragonknight

NA Megaserver Vulpecula Canis

Rank 50
Champion Rank 2178 (783,948 / 804,725 XP)
Character assigned to Nightshadedark

  • Magicka: 26067
  • Health: 24552
  • Stamina: 16273
On this page you find the statistical values for Vulpecula Canis.

Back to the overview Information Information

The statistical values are recorded since 10/19/2019

Wins Combat Statistics

Duels won 0 Duels lost 0
AvA wins 1 AvA deaths 0
Resurrections 14 Deaths 14
Damage done 134,571,902 Damage taken 8,772,461
Damage done (Target Dummy) 0 Falling damage received 30,130
Healing done 1,740,638 Healing taken 3,603,451
Overheal done 566,696 Overheal taken 3,347,793
NPCs killed 3,573 Deaths by Slaughterfish 0

Points Point Statistics

Alliance Points Alliance Points 0 Alliance Points gained Alliance Points 0
Experience Points gained 14,440,834    

Experience Points by Source Experience Points by Source

Kills 6,293,844 World Boss Kills 35,758
Quests 5,482,562 Keep conquered/defeated 0
Scripted Events 981,569 Lock picking 810,196
Misc 0

Globetrotter Justice System

Total bounty Gold 22,282 Bounty paid Gold 4,710
Gold stolen Gold 7,095 Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Gold 161
Items stolen 1,656 Pickpocketings failed 26
Number of fence sells 1,698 Number of fence launders 370
Confiscated items 0    
Stolen: Junk 16 (0.97%) Stolen: Normal 932 (56.28%)
Stolen: Fine 627 (37.86%) Stolen: Superior 78 (4.71%)
Stolen: Epic 3 (0.18%) Stolen: Legendary 0 (0%)

Gold Gold Statistics

Total Gold 28,677,848 Total spent Gold 41,581
Bank Gold 28,676,848 Repairs Gold 4,554
Character Gold 1,000 Merchant purchases Gold 2,760
Total earned Gold 1,530,071 Riding skills Gold 32,750
Guild store sales Gold 391,415 Guild store purchases Gold 0
Merchant sales Gold 114,253 Bag Space upgrades Gold 0
Loot Gold 45,474 Wayshrine travels Gold 94
Quests Gold 848,987 NPC dialogs Gold 0
Gold stolen Gold 7,095 Bounty paid Gold 4,710
Rewards for the Worthy Gold 0 Guild store fees Gold 29
Fence sales Gold 122,734 Resetting attribute points Gold 0
Antiquities System rewards Gold 113 Resetting morphs Gold 0
    Resetting skills Gold 0
    Laundering fees Gold 1,394
    Buyback Gold 2,107

Tel Var Stones Tel Var Stones

Total Tel Var Stones 181,478 Total lost Tel Var Stones 0
Bank Tel Var Stones 181,478 Deaths Tel Var Stones 0
Character Tel Var Stones 0 To Players Tel Var Stones 0
Total earned Tel Var Stones 0 Merchant purchases Tel Var Stones 0
From NPCs Tel Var Stones 0    
From Players Tel Var Stones 0    

Records Records

Best sell on guild store Gold 97,650 Most expensive purchase on guild store Gold 0
Best sell at merchant Gold 1,000 Most expensive purchase at merchant Gold 270
Best sell at fence Gold 1,530 Most expensive repair Gold 821
Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Gold 161 Most expensive launder Gold 100
Highest amount of looted gold Gold 254 Most expensive buyback Gold 600
Highest Amount on Character Tel Var Stones 2,500 Highest Amount lost on death Tel Var Stones 0
Highest Amount earned from NPC Tel Var Stones 0 Highest Amount lost to Player Tel Var Stones 0
Highest Amount earned from Player Tel Var Stones 0 Most expensive purchase at merchant Tel Var Stones 0

Trading Statistics Trading Statistics

Number of merchant sells 6,712 Number of merchant purchases 108
Number of guild store sells 5 Number of guild store purchases 0
Number of fence sells 1,698 Number of buybacks 48

Loot Statistics Loot Statistics

Total looted 20,381 Items destroyed 77
Armors 1,623 Weapons 1,071
Clothing materials 1,625 Blacksmithing materials 1,193
Enchanting runes 1,044 Woodworking materials 963
Jewelry Crafting materials 967 Reagents 1,820
Alchemy base 1,155 Style material 488
Ingredients 4,809 Glyphs 426
Soul Gems 581 Drinks 190
Trophies 256 Potions 197
Foods 26 Trash 739
Lock picks 389 Collectibles 4
Lure 470 Recipes 265
Scribing Ink Scribing Ink 3 Psijik Portals 0
Thieves Troves 0 Heavy Sacks 0

Loot Quality Loot Quality

Junk 758 (2.14%) Normal 28,741 (80.98%)
Fine 4,465 (12.58%) Superior 1,132 (3.19%)
Epic 187 (0.53%) Legendary 209 (0.59%)

Quests Quests

Accepted 1,255 Completed 1,252
Abandoned 3 Repeatables completed 1,237

Antiquities System Antiquities System

Excavations 1 Scries 1
Successful excavations 1 Antiques destroyed 0
Excavation: Out of Time 0 Bonus loot unearthed 1
Leads acquired 17 Antiquarians Eye used 0
Scrying Difficulty
Simple 0 (0%) Intermediate 0 (0%)
Advanced 0 (0%) Master 0 (0%)
Ultimate 0 (0%)    
Excavation Difficulty
Simple 0 (0%) Intermediate 0 (0%)
Advanced 0 (0%) Master 0 (0%)
Ultimate 0 (0%)    

Chests and Locks Chests and Locks

Total attempts 538 Successfully 515
Lock picks broken 84 Failed 23
Simple 300 (55.76%) Intermediate 160 (29.74%)
Advanced 54 (10.04%) Master 24 (4.46%)

Tradeskills Tradeskills

Blacksmithing 615 Clothing 606
Woodworking 445 Alchemy 202
Enchanting 275 Provisioning 335
Jewelry Crafting 434 Alchemist writs completed 96
Blacksmith writs completed 165 Clothier writs completed 165
Enchanter writs completed 169 Provisioner writs completed 165
Woodworker writs completed 166 Jewelry Crafting writs completed 191

Beer World Events

Dark Anchors completed 3 Abyssal Geysers completed 0
Harrowstorms completed 0 Volcano Vents completed 0
Mirrormoor Incursions completed 0    

Endeavors Endeavors

Completed daily 23 Completed weekly 1

Tales of Tribute Tales of Tribute

Total time played 1 Hour 35 Minutes 52 Seconds
Turns played 74 Invitations sent 0
Invitations accepted 0 Invitations declined 0
Obtained coins 471 Cards acquired 122
Prestige obtained 262 Matches played 123
Victories 6 Defeats 0
Victories by Patrons 0 Defeats by Patrons 0
Victories by Prestige 6 Defeats by Prestige 0
Victories by Concede 0 Defeats by Concede 0
Victories against players (unranked/causual) 0 Defeats against players (unranked/causual) 0
Victories against players (Ranked competitive) 0 Defeats against players (Ranked competitive) 0
Victories against players (Private/Duel) 0 Defeats against players (Private/Duel) 0
Victories against NPCs 6 Defeats against NPCs 0

Infinite Archive Infinite Archive

Total time played No information available
Runs started 0 Runs completed 0
Defeated enemies 0 Died 0
Archival Fortunes received Archival Fortunes 0 Archival Fortunes spent Archival Fortunes 0
Completed Arcs Arc 0 Completed Cycles Cycle 0
Completed Stages Stage 0    
Verses received 0 Visions received 0
Avatar Visions received 0    

Battlegrounds Battlegrounds

Wins 0 Defeats 0
Joined 0 Completed 0
Kills 0 Kill Assists 0
Kills as Team 0 Died 0
Number played by alliance
Fire Drakes Fire Drakes 0 Pit Daemons Pit Daemons 0
Storm Lords Storm Lords 0    
Number played by type
Capture the Relic 0 Crazy King 0
Deathmatch 0 Domination 0
Chaosball 0    

Housing Housing

Furniture placed 1,781 Furniture moved 3,922
Furniture removed 636    
Number furniture placed by category
Suite 9 Parlor 206
Library 79 Dining 1
Courtyard 48 Undercroft 203
Hearth 148 Gallery 371
Workshop 80 Lighting 156
Conservatory 440 Structures 36
Mounts 0 Non-Combat Pets 0
Services 0 Miscellaneous 4

Fishing Fishing

Time spent fishing No information available
Fishing rods cast 0 Fish caught 0

Globetrotter Globetrotter

Books/Letters read 334 Fast travels 310
Guilds joined 0 Guilds left 0
Group invites 0    

Beer Mighty hero

Mudcrabs killed Mudcrab 29 Cows killed 0
Chicken killed 0 Pigs killed 0
Goats killed 2 Sheep killed 0
Deer killed 11 Lizards killed 1
Rabbits killed 4 Rats killed 33
Squirrels killed 4 Spiders killed 92
Bantam Guars killed 0 Guars killed 0
Bears killed 48 Skeevers killed 177
Camels killed 0 Monkeys killed 0
Fox killed 1 Frogs killed 4
Scorpions killed 63 Scribs killed 0
Beetles killed 4 Skavengers killed 2
Fennec Fox killed 0 Sandroach killed 2
Thorn Geckos killed 0 Fellrunners killed 44
Daggerbacks killed 0 Wormmouths killed 0
Daedrats killed 0 Echalette killed 0
Chub Loons killed 0 Pocket Mammoths killed 0
Horker killed 0 Elk killed 0
Sep Adders killed 3 Dragon Frogs killed 2
Herons killed 0 Antelopes killed 0
Fiendroth killed 0 Centipedes killed 0