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ArrowCodex - Worn Orcish Cauldron

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Worn Orcish Cauldron in the ESO-Database.

Wrothgar Antiquities Codex - Worn Orcish Cauldron

  • Reginus Buca Judging by rugged styling and extreme aging, I'd pin this as early First Era. Definitely Orcish, but I'm not sure if any of it is distinctive enough to determine which area it's from, or which clan. It is quite large, even by Orc standards.
  • Verita Numida Yes, definitely Orcish make. The material looks like coal-hardened potash. According to Thugbo gro-Thutt's "History of the 13 Clans" map, clan Nazhag was closest to reported deposits at the time. It must be from them.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog More likely, it's from the Barzanakh clan. According to the stronghold tales, the entire Barzanakh clan ate out of a single bowl. The tradition supposedly ensured that everyone took their share, and no more. Always assumed that was metaphorical. Fascinating.