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ArrowCodex - Silvered Nord Drinking Horn

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Silvered Nord Drinking Horn in the ESO-Database.

Western Skyrim Antiquities Codex - Silvered Nord Drinking Horn

  • Amalien The silver filigree clearly show that this horn belonged to an important thane. I don't recognize this ivory, though. A horn from a supernatural beast such as a Dragon might confer magical strength or good fortune on any who imbibe from it!
  • Verita Numida Dragon-horn is too rare a commodity to serve as some Nord's lucky mead-cup. Still, the silver chasing on this piece is exceptional. In my estimation, this is an early 1E 22nd-century funerary piece commissioned for a jarl's burial.
  • Reginus Buca Could this horn have belonged to Jarl Vundarr Openhand of Hjaalmarch? The skalds of his day composed songs about his wealth and generosity. He was said to have been buried with a king's ransom in barrow-treasure.