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ArrowCodex - Crystalcruft Shaped Trigger

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Crystalcruft Shaped Trigger in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Crystalcruft Shaped Trigger

  • Reginus Buca Imitation Palanquin Adornment Now this is truly ancient! First Era, maybe? I can't place what this artefact would be used for. The crescent shape suggests some form of lunar worship, but the material is an unusual metal that's been treated to resemble stone. Very intriguing.
  • Verita Numida Imitation Palanquin Adornment I practically had to pry this out of Reginus's hands. But it was worth it. There are some notches on the back that suggest this item wasn't an object of worship itself, but part of a larger piece. I suspect it may be a sculpture or art piece.
  • Reginus Buca Imitation Palanquin Adornment Finally got a chance to examine this again when Verita wasn't looking. Further analysis suggests this is an Ayleid decoration of some kind. It resembles the ornaments we've found on some of their larger remnants, like their palanquins and staffs.
  • Reginus Buca Miniature Mirroretched Brace I wish my fingers were as clever as whoever carved this! The fine details on this metal brace indicate a level of diligence and attention to detail that even Ugron could appreciate. Looks to be part of something larger, but I'm not sure what.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Miniature Mirroretched Brace Reginus wanted me to look at this one. The craftsmanship is apparent, even with age. Looks to me like a miniature carved pillar. It could have something to do with Ayleid tombs or burial customs. More study is needed.
  • Gabrielle Benele Miniature Mirroretched Brace Of course it's miniature, it's a child's toy! Or a novelty item of some sort. Not everything is as serious as Ugron wants it to be. This item broke off at some point long ago. Even so, it would have been an exquisite gift, from all the detail.
  • Verita Numida Miniature Shattered Cheval Few relics survive the eons unscathed. This mirror is no exception, it's got cracks running all over the surface. Still, it would have been a lovely vanity item for some ancient lady's compact. I wonder when it was broken.
  • Amalien Miniature Shattered Cheval Perhaps the shattering was intentional? A meditation on the perils of vanity and selfishness? There's something about this mirror that doesn't sit right with me. It's cracked, but how have all the pieces stayed together over the years?
  • Amalien Miniature Shattered Cheval I knew it! I couldn't sleep last night and found myself musing over the mirror. The cracks are intentional! When gently manipulated, the shards can slide together to create a smooth reflective surface. Ayleid craftsmanship never ceases to amaze me.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Bespoke Mirroretched Base The cogs and gears contained inside this base rival anything created by the Dwemer. But the style of the exterior is distinctly Ayleid. It's a conundrum. I need to consult my books and see if the two cultures ever shared their crafting skills.
  • Amalien Bespoke Mirroretched Base I've never seen Ugron so grumpy as when I noticed the tiny metal keys hidden beneath the gears. They're aligned for the gears to hit them, but I'm not sure what will happen when they do. We're still missing something.
  • Verita Numida Bespoke Mirroretched Base I haven't seen one of these since I was a child. It's a music box. Amalien was surprisingly astute with the keys, but even her nimble fingers can't get the melody to play. I'm eager to hear whatever ancient song this box contains.
  • Reginus Buca Crystalcruft Shaped Trigger Too large to be an earring, too small to be a key. The crystal at the end is clearly worn from touch, and it fits nicely in the hand. This was made to be used and handled, I just don't know what for.
  • Gabrielle Benele Crystalcruft Shaped Trigger Reginus was right on his second guess. It's a key or trigger of some kind. The teeth at the other end from the crystal certainly make it seem it should lock into place somehow. The Ayleids never cease to surprise me.
  • Verita Numida Crystalcruft Shaped Trigger Gabrielle is spot-on. It's the trigger for a music box. I had one as a child, and it had the same sort of teeth at the end. The crystalcruft ornament is decorative, probably made to complement the overall design of the music box it came from.