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ArrowCodex - Ayleid Lens Array, Reassembled

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ayleid Lens Array, Reassembled in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Ayleid Lens Array, Reassembled

  • Verita Numida Clearly the Ayleids were trying to craft something of importance out of welkynd with this. A weapon to fight the rebellion? A shame they only discovered it near the cusp of their demise.
  • Reginus Buca Alessia and her rebellion were quick to attack. Creating a weapon with something they knew little about would be impractical. This must be when they were just testing its capabilities.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Focus on the lenses. It appears to concentrates light rays when the sun is at its peak and stores it in the crystal. Simple, yet resourceful. Even now, welkynd burns bright in their ruins.