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ArrowCodex - Ayleid Sculpture, Complex Tree

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ayleid Sculpture, Complex Tree in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Ayleid Sculpture, Complex Tree

  • Reginus Buca There are a lot of Welkynd Stones embedded in the material of this tree, but only on the branches. If I were to use these stones to store energy, I'd place them within reach. Perhaps the Ayleids didn't intend to use the stones' power.
  • Amalien See how the tree grows right out of the base? I'm certain this was cast all at once from Meteoric Iron. The Ayleids used Aetherial materials a lot in their construction. Meteoric Iron binds really well to the stone used in their carvings.
  • Verita Numida I looked into the combination of the tree shape and materials used to make this tree and I think it was connected to a ritual of Magnus. The Ayleids had temples dedicated to sight, light, and insight and it's possible this was created by one of them.