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Codex - Colovian Tapestry, Fancy Gate
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Colovian Tapestry, Fancy Gate in the ESO-Database.
West Weald
Codex - Colovian Tapestry, Fancy Gate
- Underneath the wear from age, this is quite a beautiful piece. I'll wager a guess it depicts one of the nicer Colovian estates. The ornate gateway in the Imperial style gives it away.
- I agree with your analysis, Reginus, though which estate could it be? That type of architecture came into fashion during the Second Empire, and that vine work has always been popular. However, I don't recognize the region.
- Be fair to yourself, Gabrielle. This isn't your specialty. The tapestry depicts the long-destroyed gateway to the Cruscellio lands. That family line was supposedly wiped out, but claiming lineage has become popular.