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ArrowCodex - Crystalcult Hand Mirror

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Crystalcult Hand Mirror in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Crystalcult Hand Mirror

  • Verita Numida A stunning find. The artistry demonstrated on the crystalline back of this hand mirror indicates it must have belonged to someone very important. The Ayleids weren't known for excessive vanity, but this would've been a precious keepsake.
  • Reginus Buca While my own knowledge of ancient beauty practices is limited, I don't think this mirror was purely for superficial purposes. The carvings around the glass suggest a religious purpose to me. Perhaps a symbolic way of looking within oneself?
  • Amalien Spot-on as always, Reginus! In fact, the carvings around this mirror are indicative of Daedric worship, specific to the First Era. With the right spell, this mirror could be used to view other planes. I wonder if those other planes could look back?