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Codex - Dark Seducer Cameo
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Dark Seducer Cameo in the ESO-Database.
West Weald
Codex - Dark Seducer Cameo
- Enjaen Saltchain Links Our consultations for the Circle regularly force me to look up variations on the word fascinating. Just to be sure my missives to the group don't sound repetitive. Daedric in origin, I would say this chain is mesmeric. Reginus?
- Enjaen Saltchain Links I quite like transfixing. Definitely Daedric, but the links are made from an alchemical admixture of saltwater. The tomes I referenced indicate there are only a few realmic bodies that might fit the bill. Notes back to you Amalien.
- Enjaen Saltchain Links The Shivering Isles. Under magical examination the salt crystals appear to the same as those taken from the Enjaen Sea to the East of the realm's main landmass. I read a paper once noting that the seawater also held trace metals in the water. Riveting.
- Vitharn-crafted Bail If I was a scholar at a lesser institution like Shad Astula I might presume this necklace clasping was crafted at a bucolic jewelery near Cyrodiil. Instead, as I am rigorous, I tested it and found a number of Daedric micro-etchings beneath my lens.
- Vitharn-crafted Bail An excellent observation. And quite true, these were done by a follower of a Prince with pretensions of normalcy. Or delusions. Hmm. These micro-runes also contain a surprising amount of magickal power.
- Vitharn-crafted Bail I referenced the University's collection of Dementia-crafted items, to great success. Originating in that cursed county seat within the Shivering Isles, this clasping no doubt bears a tragic tale all its own.
- Golden Saint Cameo An exquisite likeness of an Aureal Daedra and the companion piece to a similar cameo of a Mazken Amalien is examining. The detail on this is remarkable, perhaps done with specialized tools. At the very least, would require a master craftsman's skill.
- Golden Saint Cameo This relic sat on my desk as I worked on other artifacts, and I would swear this thing is looking at me. Making strange faces. I wouldn't mention it in an official note I had not caught it trying to sneak a peek at my notes on its Dark Seducer twin.
- Golden Saint Cameo I can confirm after a visit Reginus' desk that this cameo is indeed "making faces" at him. I've arranged a consulation with an Arcanist Gabrielle knows through her correspondence series, perhaps he will have some insights into this phenomenon.
- Cylarne-crafted Yoke A yoke to a necklace of exquisite beauty, the style of crafting is something I've never quite seen before. It seems almost as if made by two pairs of hands, two different artisans, though its diminuative size makes that almost impossible.
- Cylarne-crafted Yoke One artisan clearly was an arrogant master of their craft. They took extravagant glee in showing off their skill, though the half of the yoke they've made seems somewhat sterile as a result.
- Cylarne-crafted Yoke The other artisan to this piece was, for lack of a better phrase, a mad genius. Artistry for the sake of it, needless complexity, to the point where their half of the yoke is most likely quite difficult to actually slip into place against a chain.
- Dark Seducer Cameo A cameo of a Dark Seducer, companion to a Golden Saint cameo being examined by Reginus. The detail is remarkable, almost as if the artisan made this piece at a larger scale to capture fine details and somehow reduced it in size again to fit on a necklace.
- Dark Seducer Cameo After some odd comments from colleagues I took up outside my office after hours to read a book and listen. A strange sort of lilting song started up as dusk settled in. I confirmed it with my own eyes, this cameo sings when no one is around to observe it.
- Dark Seducer Cameo After Reginus' time with the Aureal cameo I thought it might be interesting to bring both companion pieces together for co-examination. A note here for the files: never do that again. My eyebrows are still growing in and Reginus will be bruised for weeks.