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Codex - Bthzarki Tonal Pipes
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Bthzarki Tonal Pipes in the ESO-Database.
West Weald
Codex - Bthzarki Tonal Pipes
- Heartland-Leather Gloves How lovely! I don't recognize the pattern, but I think these gloves are very old. This is wamasu-hide, magically cured. Wamasu are native to Black Marsh, but the design looks Elven. The Barsaebic Ayleids, perhaps?
- Heartland-Leather Gloves These are not gloves, Amalien. They are the inner lining for a pair of armored gauntlets. You can tell by the grommets and reinforced panels where armor plates would be attached. Yet I am not familiar with the style.
- Heartland-Leather Gloves My colleagues did not recognize this as Dwemer work. The Dwemer had few sources for leather of exceptional quality, so they sometimes obtained materials from Ayleid artisans. But they would have only used it for work of great importance.
- Tonal Resonation Chamber Ah, an aetheric fragment! There are many varieties, of course. Welkynd stones, varla stones, skyshards, and more. All are very rare, and very valuable. I am not sure I know this particular type.
- Tonal Resonation Chamber This is aetherium, one of the rarer forms of aetherial fragment. It is only found in the caverns beneath Skyrim. How glass that falls from the sky winds up underground, I could not say. The Dwemer powered many devices with crystals such as these.
- Tonal Resonation Chamber Aetherium crystals powered many Dwemer marvels, yes. But this is not a simple power source. Somehow, this crystal has been hollowed out. I believe this is a resonance chamber for a device harnessing Dwemer tonal magic. An incredible find!
- Volenfell Etching Tools Interesting. These fine tools are gravers, picks used for etching fine designs in metal or stone. They're made of Dwarven metal, which makes sense. You need a very hard metal to scratch another metal. What was made with them, I wonder?
- Volenfell Etching Tools I have seen similar etching tools in the Nedic ruins of Hammerfell. Many Nede artisans salvaged tools left behind by the Dwemer of Volenfell after the Dwarves disappeared. They were far better than anything the Nedes could craft for themselves.
- Volenfell Etching Tools These are no common picks. The high artisans of Volenfell often began important projects by forging the tools they would need for the work. I believe these tools were made to craft a special piece of armor, and likely never used again.
- Santakian Construct Plating Armor plate, articulated, made of dwarven metal. I think it must be a piece of a Dwemer animunculi, an animated machine used for labor or for war. Beyond that, I can't say.
- Santakian Construct Plating Not a piece of a machine, but a piece of armor. The length and the curvature are a good match for a muscular forearm, and the articulated section aligns with the wrist. I believe this is a Dwemer vambrace, but I'm afraid it's incomplete.
- Santakian Construct Plating Ah, I know this design! This repeating squared-arrow pattern comes from Santaki, a Dwemer city that stood in what is now the Alik'r Desert. This was part of a mighty armored gauntlet crafted by the Rourken smiths of Hammerfell long ago.
- Bthzarki Tonal Pipes I confess, I am not sure what to make of this. It appears to be a series of hoops or pipes made from dwarven metal, connected in the center by a piston-like mechanism. I suspect it is a decorative element or embellishment for a Dwemer animunculi.
- Bthzarki Tonal Pipes The decorative element is actually quite functional. When I tap the pipes with a hammer, they ring like a bell. I suspect they were fitted to an armor plate or the casing of a mechanism. Something to do with Dwemer tonal magic, perhaps?
- Bthzarki Tonal Pipes My colleague's insight serves her well. I have seen similar mechanisms in the Dwemer ruins of Stros M'Kai. The smiths of Bthzark were skilled in the art of tonal architecture. I think these pipes were fitted to gauntlets that harnessed tonal magic.