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ArrowCodex - Dwarven Scarab Head

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Dwarven Scarab Head in the ESO-Database.

The Reach Antiquities Codex - Dwarven Scarab Head

  • Gabrielle Benele Thin Dwarven Hinges Look at the precision here. These hinges seem impossibly small, but they open as easily as a well-greased tavern door. I can't even begin to imagine the tools required for making something like this.
  • Amalien Sloped Dwarven Stalks Is it just me, or do these look like eyes? Perhaps from an insect, or even a crab! I also detect a hint of blue in what I think are the sockets. Do I dare to consider that these eyes were fashioned from aetherium? Of course I do!
  • Gabrielle Benele Golden Dwarven Thorax The shafts here seem to connect to a central frame; something ovoid and squat from the looks of it. Animunculi mimic organic shapes more often than not, so what could this be? An insect of some kind? Difficult to tell.
  • Gabrielle Benele Dwarven Internal Machinery This bizarre component looks like the beating heart of the animunculus with slots to accommodate other pieces. Obviously, we can't read the inscription, but they could be instructions for how to assemble whatever goes around this structure.
  • Amalien Faceted Dwarven Wings Wings! How beautiful! Though they're separate from whatever Dwarven creature they made fly, I think it's quite obvious we're dealing with an animunculus that might resemble some kind of beetle. A rather large one, at that!
  • Gabrielle Benele Dwarven Segmented Legs The design is so delicate I'm almost afraid to handle them too roughly. Not that I don't trust Dwarven craftsmanship, but we should take care not to break them. They look entirely functional, almost like they should be sitting below an overgrown cicada.
  • Amalien Dwarven Scarab Head The plating on the neck allows the head to move back and forth, which might be considered unsettling if the head itself wasn't so adorable. It's the head of a beetle, or scarab, which is quite exciting! An undiscovered animunculus!