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Codex - Antique Map of Fargrave
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Antique Map of Fargrave in the ESO-Database.
The Deadlands
Codex - Antique Map of Fargrave
- Judging by the depictions of the enormous skeletons, this must be a map of Fargrave. It's a little disjointed. The Plaza of Portals are depicted, but the rest of the points on the map seem to defy my very gaze. It's disorienting, to say the least.
- It's disorienting, but given the ink and the paper I would surmise that this was penned by a mortal hand. Given what happens to mortals when they spend too long in Oblivion, I suspect the phenomenon known as "the Drain" might play a factor here.
- Verita is right! There are a great deal of landmarks here that I don't recognize from modern portrayals of Fargrave. Could they be ancient, forgotten fortifications of the Celestial Palanquin? Or just the wanderings of a withering mortal mind?