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Codex - Alessian Sacramental Oil
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Alessian Sacramental Oil in the ESO-Database.
The Deadlands
Codex - Alessian Sacramental Oil
- Bull's Head Gallery Rail Looks like part of a ring to me. We don't really have the whole picture here, but I'll note that the craftsmanship on this is sturdier than your average piece of jewelry. This ring was constructed to withstand a great deal of punishment.
- Bull's Head Gallery Rail The symbology is interesting. At first glance, I thought the design was merely twin horns, but upon closer inspection I see it resembles Nibenese depictions of Morihaus--or even Belharza the Man-Bull, scarce though they may be.
- Bull's Head Gallery Rail Ooh, that's interesting, Reginus! But if that's the case, why in Y'ffre's name was something like this in the Deadlands? Perhaps an Imperial mage stumbled upon Dagon's realm by accident? Or some Dremora are interested in Belharza's legend?
- Crimson Diamond Well, this is a pretty thing, isn't it? The facets on this stone speak to an older gem-cutting technique. First Empire, maybe. Difficult to tell without the gallery rail. I thought it was a ruby at first, but now--you think this could be a diamond?
- Crimson Diamond It's almost certainly a diamond of Imperial make. The shape makes that clear enough. The question is, how did it achieve that crimson hue, and why was it in the Deadlands to begin with? Did some Alessian mage pierce the veil on purpose?
- Crimson Diamond I found a summoning ritual in Maborel's Tome of Rites that uses a diamond as its primary focus. This is Nibenese spellcraft, of course, so the crimson hue in the diamond is no accident. Whatever this summoned relates to St. Alessia somehow.
- Stainless Imperial Band The lack of corrosion here is quite remarkable, given the context. I'm told the Deadlands exacts a heavy toll on Tamrielic objects! This band is clearly of Imperial make, and not cheaply fashioned either. I doubt it made its way to Oblivion by mistake.
- Stainless Imperial Band This band is sturdy. Imperial. It's not a legionary's ring, though. Looks like the sort of thing a forge wife might make herself before her wedding. Heavy, regal, well-polished. Someone important wore this. Based on the location, I'd say a battlemage.
- Stainless Imperial Band I think you're right about it belonging to an Imperial battlemage, Ugron. See the scoring on the interior of the band? They're Isandor grips—meant to keep the ring from slipping off. You find them on livelier magic rings that vibrate on the finger.
- Etched Silver Horns These are so cute! Are they tiny, little Xivilai horns? They could have come from a small statue, or maybe a piece of jewelry? Maybe some mortal sculptor in the Deadlands fancied them?
- Etched Silver Horns I think they're too big for Xivilai. These look closer to Colovian minotaur horns to me. I haven't heard much about minotaurs making their way to the Deadlands, if such a thing is even possible. Could it have some connection to Morihaus or Belharza?
- Etched Silver Horns Note the curvature of the horns. This twisting slope corresponds with Tertia Gallus's heretical renderings of Belharza from 1E 1300s. This distinctive horn shape is one of the only aesthetic features that sets him apart from his famous father.
- Alessian Sacramental Oil This is incredibly well-preserved. Some kind of consecrated oil? Is it magical in origin? I can't imagine a vessel like this could survive the hardships of the Deadlands without arcane assistance.
- Alessian Sacramental Oil I'm confident that this substance has arcane properties, but the origin of it is puzzling. The vessel has what looks like the Amulet of Kings etched into it, but I don't recognize these side-elements. Are those horns?
- Alessian Sacramental Oil Yes. Morihaus's horns I should think. Or his son Belharza's. I've always considered this business about Morihaus and Belharza being actual bull-men specious drivel, but they don't make it easy! Early Alessian priests might have honored them with this oil.