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Codex - Morpholith Shank
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Morpholith Shank in the ESO-Database.
The Deadlands
Codex - Morpholith Shank
- Mindcleaver Loop This looks like part of a larger set. I don't recognize the symbols on the band, it's not any symbology I'm familiar with. It also looks rather tarnished. Like someone attempted to scratch the symbols out.
- Mindcleaver Loop It's hard to make out, but these look like the symbols of Dremora Mindcleaver clan. As far as I know, they were deposed by the Firescourge and Ruinblood clans at some point. Maybe this thing predates that?
- Mindcleaver Loop I'm no expert on Dremora, but when two clans work together to put another down, it doesn't take an expert to know that is no small matter. The fact that these symbols are scratched out is telling as well.
- Ruinblood Coil The Ruinblood clan is one of the most powerful Dremora clans that serve Mehrunes Dagon. You don't mess with these rascals! This coil definitely bears their symbol, but it looks like something was stacked on the top and bottom of it.
- Ruinblood Coil Aren't the mages of the Ruinblood clan experts in magic that involves blood? That might explain the color. I wonder if that's cosmetic, or genuine. With Dremora, I guess you never know.
- Ruinblood Coil The weight of this coil and the significance of it seems worth mentioning. This was obviously something worn by a very high ranking Dremora, or perhaps worn to signify rank to others? Perhaps there were other clans stacked around this coil?
- Firescourge Band Looks like part of a ring. Not anything fancy--definitely not something made for ornamental purposes. I would say this is a piece of jewelry meant to signify rank. The symbols on the inside are definitely Daedric.
- Firescourge Band Daedric indeed! These are symbols of the Firescourge clan. They're kind of like foot-soldiers that serve Mehrunes Dagon. Not an imaginative group, but still powerful. I wonder if this was worn by one of their members?
- Firescourge Band One of their leaders maybe. A Markyn? I always get their tusking ranks mixed up. The craftsmanship suggests this was constructed for more than your average grunt, at any rate. Something to show off their rank to the lower castes and their peers.
- Searing Gem A ruby perhaps? Or something far darker. The Daedra use all manner of exotic stones in their work. I'm near certain this one does not exist on Nirn.
- Searing Gem You're right about this stone being otherworldly, Reginus. It's a searing stone—a crystalized fragment of Daedric dynamism. I have no idea if it's mined or hand made. No member of the Mages Guild has ever had a chance to study one.
- Searing Gem Oh, it's mined. I know it! It's a "naturally occurring" mineral in the Deadlands. As if anything is natural there, right? Exciting, since anything occurring naturally in the Deadlands is some aspect of Dagon's will in physical form. Marvelous!
- Morpholith Shank A ring, obviously, but what a strange material. Not quite metal, or at least not like any I've ever seen. It's quite old, but you can still make out the places where the shank itself was tapered, possibly where a stone was set?
- Morpholith Shank I think this is made of morpholith! It's a very rare mineral and usually only found in pocket realms of Oblivion. They can only be harvested by Daedra! Most of the time the mineral is unstable, but somehow this one isn't. At least ... I think.
- Morpholith Shank I think if it were unstable, we'd have known by now. That's the last word I'd use to describe this, it's been meticulously rendered. If Daedra cared at all about wealth, this would probably be quite pricy.