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Codex - Antique Map of the Deadlands
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Antique Map of the Deadlands in the ESO-Database.
The Deadlands
Codex - Antique Map of the Deadlands
- This appears to be a map of Mehrunes Dagon's realm. Cosmic matters like the width and breadth of a Daedric realm are outside my area of expertise, but I have no reason to doubt its authenticity. The vellum it's made from is unsettling to say the least.
- This is the work of a Dremora. You see the ragged edges? The parchment was roughly flensed. From what, I'd rather not speculate. Odd that they'd choose this one region to chart. Gabrielle seems to think the Deadlands are broad beyond comprehension.
- Gabrielle is right! I know a reputable Daedrologist who says the Deadlands are spotted with seven hundred and seventy-seven different fortifications. There's only a handful here, so these must be really important!