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Codex - Mindcleaver Clan Banner
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Mindcleaver Clan Banner in the ESO-Database.
The Deadlands
Codex - Mindcleaver Clan Banner
- I don't recognize this heraldry. It's the work of Dremora, no question, but this clan doesn't appear in any of my Daedrology texts. I know there are potentially thousands of Dremora clans, but I thought we had a firm grasp of which clans serve Dagon.
- I found a catalogue of Divayth Fyr's early explorations of the Oblivion in the Mages Guild library. He sketched out the heraldry of hundreds of clans. This one appears to belong to the Mindcleaver clan. Not much information beyond the name, though.
- The lack of information on Mindcleavers is no accident. Dagon's current favorites, the Ruinbloods, purged all evidence of their existence. I found a Firescourge scroll that described them as a hated secret police, deposed by an alliance of smaller clans!