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ArrowCodex - Goblin Steam Mill

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Goblin Steam Mill in the ESO-Database.

Stros M'Kai Antiquities Codex - Goblin Steam Mill

  • Amalien It resembles a tiny waterwheel made from iron and the flexible bark of tropical trees. It would have crumbled to dust long ago if not for a thick grease smeared over everything. It looks just the right size to fit on the end of a Dwemer steam pipe!
  • Ugron gro-Thumog It does appear to be Goblin in make, though the markings are different from the Dogeater tribe who currently reside here. Goblins were likely the only inhabitants of these isles between the Dwemer's disappearance and the Redguard colonization.
  • Gabrielle Benele I was skeptical, but I decided to test Amalien's theory and sure enough the wheel fit over the end of a broken steam pipe. It's a bit unstable, but the moving parts whir around at a surprising speed. This mechanism could easily power a number of tools.