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Codex - Antique Map of Stormhaven
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Antique Map of Stormhaven in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Antique Map of Stormhaven
- This is an Orcish map. Hard to believe it's real. Hardly anything from the time of first Orsinium survived the war that broke it. This map outlines the territory claimed around the Bjoulsae River. There's a settlement marked: Golkarr.
- Wasn't that the name of the Orc king from the thirty-year siege? I'd read that he invaded Stormhaven and blockaded Wayrest's trade lanes. There wasn't any mention of an Orc settlement. Was Golkarr an early casualty of the war?
- It may never have been built. I doubt a treacherous ruler like Jolie would have tolerated Orcs for neighbors even if Golkarr was established peacefully. The justification for the razing of Orsinium was likely just the first of Jolie's many betrayals.