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Codex - Noble Knight's Rest
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Noble Knight's Rest in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Noble Knight's Rest
- Ah, a relic from the homeland! It's clearly a sarcophagus. The question is, who's buried inside? Judging by the state of the stone, I'd say late first Era. A servant of one of the pretender-kings that took power after the Alessian secession, perhaps?
- Undoubtedly. The Alessian collapse struck High Rock harder than most, given the Bretons' natural stubbornness and distaste for a unified governing structure. Warring fiefs sprung up all over the peninsula in the centuries that followed.
- We Bretons are a stubborn lot, it's true. I did some digging, and it looks like those seals on the side derive from House Moorcroft heraldry. This knight might have died in the Gavaudon Troubles, just before the flight from Wayrest. Fascinating!