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Codex - Nedic Hex Totem
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Nedic Hex Totem in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Nedic Hex Totem
- This wooden figure appears to be an Orc, but its features are greatly exaggerated to appear menacing. Based on the deliberate defacement and hostile appearance, I believe the Nedes did not have a friendly relationship with local Orc clans.
- It depends on the clan. There's ample evidence of harmony between Nedes and Orcs in Craglorn. But you're right—clans in Stormhaven tended to take a more offensive posture against non-Orc neighbors and each other. We hadn't learned the value of unity yet.
- I believe the metal objects protruding from this effigy was stabbed into the figure with ritual intent, for cursing, if you will, but I've found no evidence of spellcraft. It might have been used in prayers to Daedra though, or simply just cathartic.