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Codex - Secession Stamp Block
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Secession Stamp Block in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Secession Stamp Block
- Unfinished wood block, stained black with ink. Circa 2300 of the First Era. Took a rubbing of the carved face. It is a diatribe calling citizens of Wayrest to demand secession from the Alessian Empire, citing prejudice against Elven heritage.
- An expert, if dry, assessment, Ugron. This sort of vague, incendiary language smacks of propaganda meant to weaponize the populace for private interest. It strains credulity that Wayrest endured a thousand years of oppression before revolting.
- Then you might find Lost Orsinium and The Pig Children enlightening. You'd be surprised the number of indignities people are willing to suffer. The emphasis on increasing Imperial tithes does support your assertion money was behind this movement.