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Codex - Moons-Blessed Ceremonial Pool
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Moons-Blessed Ceremonial Pool in the ESO-Database.
Southern Elsweyr
Codex - Moons-Blessed Ceremonial Pool
- A brilliant stone basin of some variety, eh? Obviously, this served as some devotional object to the Khajiiti moon-gods, Jone and Jode. The smaller pools depict various lunar phases. Difficult to say what the Khajiit actually used it for, though.
- Not just any lunar phases. These seventeen arrangements correspond to the seventeen distinct furstocks of the Khajiit. The question is, what significance would a pool of water have? Perhaps new Khajiit were anointed in sacred water from Moonlit Cove?
- Possibly. It doesn't explain the larger pools, though. Maybe the Twilight Cantors played a role? Priestesses of that order often sing at religious ceremonies and enjoy a rich bathing culture. I can definitely see one of them anointing ja'khajiit in this.