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Codex - Spiked Scalebreaker Bolt
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Spiked Scalebreaker Bolt in the ESO-Database.
Southern Elsweyr
Codex - Spiked Scalebreaker Bolt
- What a unique and fascinating weapon! It's spear-like in shape, but massive in size. Only a giant could properly wield such a tool! A Pahmar-Raht, maybe? No, it's still too big.
- That's because it's not a traditional weapon. The spiked shaft here is meant to penetrate heavy scale and not let go, but only if loosed at great velocity. From a ballista or similar weapon, I wager.
- I defer to Ugron on matters military, of course. It's the cultural motifs I find most interesting! The Dragonguard were the children of two worlds: Imperial and Akaviri. This bolt reflects those merging aesthetics.