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Codex - Northpoint Founding Coin
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Northpoint Founding Coin in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Northpoint Founding Coin
- Now these are quite hard to come by. Yric Flowdys had these gold coins specially minted to commemorate the completion of Northpoint's construction in c.1E 900. Only a few hundred were stamped and most remain in private collections.
- Incorrect. Those figures were a deliberate attempt by unscrupulous archeologists to inflate their value. My own research suggests Flowdys circulated these coins through all Northpoint's trade to spread word of his new trade port.
- The archeologist weren't the only ones. These coins are a little on the light side. The difference in gold weight wouldn't have been noticeable without finer instruments than were commonly employed by traders in the middle-First Era.