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ArrowCodex - Shock Lancer

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Shock Lancer in the ESO-Database.

Reaper's March Antiquities Codex - Shock Lancer

  • Verita Numida Even after all this time, this still carries traces of magical energy. You can feel the hairs on your arm rising whenever you touch it. Can you imagine harnessing this sort of power during a siege?
  • Reginus Buca Yes, quintessentially Dwemer in its design and application. They were so much more technologically advanced than other races, their mastery over the arcane allowed them to fire shocking projectiles.
  • Gabrielle Benele If it's shock value we're going for here (and no, I won't apologize for that) I'd like to throw in the possibility of this being a component of a security system. The Dwarves were extremely talented at keeping people out of places.