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ArrowCodex - Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl in the ESO-Database.

Northern Elsweyr Antiquities Codex - Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl

  • Gabrielle Benele I've seen one of these before. In the stacks, back in the Imperial City. The Moth Priests used it for ritual washing, or something. I assume clean hands are preferred when handling an Elder Scroll!
  • Verita Numida Yes, I met several Moth Priests during my years in university. The older priests made a point of washing their hands before, after, and sometimes during a reading. This residue in the bowl is interesting. Some kind of cleaning agent, perhaps?
  • Amalien Sure, keeping the scrolls clean makes sense. But have you considered the possibility that they were scrubbing off something from the scrolls? Some aetherial residue that could deaden their fingers like the scrolls deaden the eyes? Think about it!