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ArrowCodex - Ancient Fishing Rod

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ancient Fishing Rod in the ESO-Database.

Khenarthi's Roost Antiquities Codex - Ancient Fishing Rod

  • Reginus Buca Despite its age, this design doesn't look too different from modern day fishing rods. The embellishments are certainly unique, though. A lot of Khenarthi specific imagery. I doubt the additional weight made it any easier to fish.
  • Verita Numida Keep in mind, the Khajiit of this area were renowned fishermen. Their innovations vastly exceeded others of the time, and they took it very seriously. These embellishments were likely a token of respect and reverence rather than functionality.
  • Amalien There are stories of a famous fisherman around this time named Fazjum. In one of them, he caught a Desert Sucker the size of a horse that was terrorizing the waters. He was said to have a fishing rod exactly like this!