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Codex - Ancient Mariner's Sextant
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ancient Mariner's Sextant in the ESO-Database.
High Isle
Codex - Ancient Mariner's Sextant
- A solid piece made of brass and other metals, I date this to the era of the Breton Coinlords. Say 1E 2330, give or take a decade. A well-preserved if unremarkable example of that period in history.
- A fair assessment, my friend, but what of the broader socio-political context of this item? My people committed some truly barbarous acts during their time as rulers of the Systres Archipelago. Does that not bear mentioning?
- A good note, Gabrielle, thank you. I was planning to write a small paper on some of the relics coming in from the Systres. Let's co-author a piece and incorporate just this angle in our findings. I will follow up.