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Codex - Igneous Inlays
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Igneous Inlays in the ESO-Database.
High Isle
Codex - Igneous Inlays
- Petrified Oak Loop You don't often see something like this. It looks like part of a ring, certainly, but it's not metallic. I've seen rings made from vines and bits of shell, but nothing like this. It's some sort of stone.
- Petrified Oak Loop You came close to the truth, Reginus, as usual. This appears to be some kind of petrified wood. Difficult to tell what kind based on its size, but given the terrain, I'd hypothesize that it's some manner of oak.
- Petrified Oak Loop Wood Elves adore working with petrified wood, but this doesn't show any signs of Elven craftsmanship. It's of Breton make. Given the magic its radiating, I'd wager a druid made this at least eight hundred years ago. Probably more!
- Larimar Gems I've seen stones like this in High Rock, but rarely. It almost resembles turquoise, but brighter and creamier. Like a Topal Sea blue. Lovely! There must be more to it, though. You see these etchings? I don't recognize the shapes.
- Larimar Gems The stone's larimar. Merchants in Daggerfall call it sea-stone because of the color. So far as I'm aware, it only exists in the Systres archipelago. Makes it very expensive and very, very rare. As far as the etchings are concerned, I'm stumped.
- Larimar Gems The etchings are draoifoglyphs--druidic runes. It's not my area of expertise, but I think they say something like, to root or to grasp firmly. The stones feel a bit heavy, don't they? Maybe they're meant to hold something in place.
- Stone Shank Frame I adore gold jewelry, but this stone framing does have a rustic charm. The central groove seems ground down to accommodate a second loop. Even without the central element, though, it's lovely. And at least a thousand years old, I should think.
- Stone Shank Frame You see this grinding method in pre-Direnni High Rock antiquities--mostly in cookware, though, not jewelry. Whoever made it was a true master of both stonecraft and magic. It radiates protective energies. Something akin to a shielding spell.
- Stone Shank Frame This is a real find. This framing bridges the gap between Nedic stonework and early Direnni aesthetics and draws from the best of both traditions. Druids were master stonecutters and fair hands at magic--I'd say they made this.
- Sacred Resin Given the age of this pouch, it's miraculous that this resin has retained its viscosity. Resin stored in this way could have a dozen uses--mostly medicinal, but also aesthetic. Khajiit on the Valenwood border sometimes use it as armor varnish.
- Sacred Resin Do you smell that? It's odoriferous oak resin. Some people call it the Tears of Y'ffre. Wood Elves argue about whether Green Pact permits its use, but nature worshipers in Summerset and High Rock use it all the time in Jephre-worshiping ceremonies.
- Sacred Resin In High Rock, we mostly hear about the wyrd sisters using Y'ffre Tears in their witch's brews, but I read it also played a large role in druidic spellcraft. They'd apply it to their staves, wax their beards with it, and so on. Fascinating!
- Igneous Inlays These flakes of igneous rock are very delicate. Given the size and the patterning, I'd say an ancient jeweler used them as accent pieces in a ring or necklace. Their iridescence is quite fetching.
- Igneous Inlays We often see volcanic jewelry coming out of the Systres--part of the druidic tradition, I'm told. They hold their Mount Firesong, in very high esteem. Whoever wore a ring with these flakes inlaid must have been a figure of import.
- Igneous Inlays Dark Elves love their volcanoes, but yes, I understand that an entire circle of druids base their religion around Firesong. I read that it represents immovable strength. Maybe the magic invested in these flakes has something to do with that?