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Codex - Frigid Sapphire
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Frigid Sapphire in the ESO-Database.
High Isle
Codex - Frigid Sapphire
- Steel Serpent Fangs These bits of metal seem forged to resemble snake fangs. Never a good sign. I can't say for certain, but given the irregular finish and these scratches, I'd say they're a few hundred years old at least. Mid to late 1E, for certain.
- Steel Serpent Fangs I've seen adornments like this before--far too many times. They're Sea Elf charms. Sailors wear them on ankle bracelets, necklaces, and earrings in honor of their disgusting snake-king, Orgnum. Fair warning: They're almost certainly cursed!
- Steel Serpent Fangs These are of Sea Elf make, but they're not like the trinkets that pirates wear now. See this banding? This is venom-crucible steel. Sea Elves stopped making it due to the cost of the materials. It's a wicked kind of metal, but still, masterful work.
- Sea Silver Chain What a delicate piece! Crafting links this small would be a laborious process, but the results speak for themselves. It's certainly Elven. Maormer, I should think, based on the pattern and the bluish hue of the silver.
- Sea Silver Chain You're right, Reginus. This is Sea Elf work. According to legend, King Orgnum was the first person on Tamriel to work in silver. He drew it out of the ground like splinters from a wound. Strange, given that he's a creepy vampire wizard!
- Sea Silver Chain The chain's enchantments are extraordinary! They seem bound to the concept of focus at the expense of potential outcomes. Not unlike Psijic time-hewing. Paring down choice is a dangerous prospect, but there must be some utility to it.
- Black Eltheric Pearls Oh, black pearls! According to the Bedtime Tales of Borwaeliel, they're the result of Trinimac slicing off a handful of Hermaeus Mora's beady little eyes and scattering them across the Eltheric. So, be careful handling them!
- Black Eltheric Pearls Fairy tales aside, deep black pearls like this have fascinating origins. Some occur naturally, but most come from Maormer pearl farms where Surfpeelers insert snake scales into Pyandonean Snap-Mussels. It's an interesting--if unsettling--process.
- Black Eltheric Pearls I read a treatise on Sea Elf pearl culturing as a teenager. I had a lot of free time! Anyway, there was some debate about whether mer-made pearls had alchemical potential similar to natural pearls. Based on this discovery, I think they do!
- Meteoric Beads Don't often see beads hewn from meteoric glass. From my experience, the arcane potential of the glass has a lot to do with its physical dimensions. Based on the holes here, I'd say they were strung on a chain or thread to make some kind of necklace.
- Meteoric Beads I've never studied smaller shards of meteoric glass working in concert, but it's possible that stringing these beads together on a magical conductor--an enchanted chain, for instance--they might exhibit power comparable to a larger, intact shard!
- Meteoric Beads If meteoric beads like this have real magical potential, it's strange that you don't see more mages wearing them. I discovered a bead like this in a Sea Elf wreck near Vulkhel Guard. Maybe the Pyandoneans are the only ones who've mastered the craft.
- Frigid Sapphire This stone is cold to the touch! Strange, considering I don't detect any frost-related enchantments. Gems infused with mystic spellcraft sometimes turn cold. No one knows why. It must have some power over perception or natural limitations.
- Frigid Sapphire I saw a gem like this at the College of Sapiarchs once. It was part of a collection of focal relics—items that magnify perception or dampen unruly phenomena during rituals. Maybe this aids with concentration? I could use something like that!
- Frigid Sapphire I'm more interested in its origins than its powers. This gem cutting technique is foreign to me. It almost looks like a lapidary tumbled it in a sand pail after the final cuts. Sea Elves favor unusual cuts. I wager this came from Pyandonea.