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Codex - Singersteel Clasp
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Singersteel Clasp in the ESO-Database.
High Isle
Codex - Singersteel Clasp
- Grand Hattu Onyx I've only seen two other onyx gems like this--both in Na-Totambu tombs in Hammerfell. The sheer size is astounding, but its origins are far more exciting. To my knowledge, the only place onyxes like this can be found is Yokuda!
- Grand Hattu Onyx I met a Redguard in Sentinel who swears that the peak-mines of Hattu Mountain still hold a fortune in jewels like this. Just a matter of getting at them. Hunding Zealots make it hard to get anything done there. Real shame.
- Grand Hattu Onyx According to my studies, most of the onyx mines in pre-Ra Gada Yokuda were seized from the Lefthanded Elves as spoils of war. The Redguards' ancestors never really developed the knack for this sort of gemcutting. I think this is a Lefthander relic.
- Totambu Chrysocollas These unique gems were considered a sign of royalty in Yokuda since before the rise of the Na-Totambu. It has something to do with the golden inclusions, I believe. The Yokudan's enemies, the Lefthanded Elves, embedded them in many of their weapons.
- Totambu Chrysocollas I find the entire Sinistral Mer narrative unconvincing. Lefthanded Elves? What does that even mean? In any case, yes, the Chrysocollas were not just a sign of royalty, but also a symbol of invincibility in battle. Oft enchanted, or so I've read.
- Totambu Chrysocollas Chrysocollas are strongly associated with defense, but in the Yoku tongue, the term defense is just a different tense of offense. They placed far less emphasis on defense as a concept that than the Lefthanders did. This is definitely Elven.
- Gilded Disk A golden disk? Without the other pieces, it's difficult to tell what it belonged to. Some kind of jewelry, I should think, but it's far too large for a crown or necklace. The inlays appear vaguely Yokudan, but different. Lefthander, perhaps?
- Gilded Disk I've seen this shape before. The configuration lends itself to defensive enchantments. You typically find it embossed on shields, but given size, maybe this belonged to a belt? That setting in the center must have supported a massive jewel!
- Gilded Disk It's from a belt, all right--a Lefthander shield-girdle. According to Zirad's Guide to Yokuda, Lefthanded Elves worked hard to protect the abdomen because that was the throne of the soul. Also, no one likes being disemboweled.
- Asp-Leather Strap Well, this is a vicious looking accessory! Clearly some sort of snake skin, but I don't recognize the pattern. Looks a bit like those sep adders you find around Hew's Bane. Much bigger though! Maybe it's some giant, slithery cousin.
- Asp-Leather Strap I'm no naturalist, but I'd guess this came from a Yath Asp. We're lucky they never made it to Tamriel. The Crowns say they're huge, have a temper like Malooc, and used to serve Lefthanded Elves as pets--and also maybe garments by the looks of it.
- Asp-Leather Strap According to Yokudan histories, the boundary between pet and livestock was a hazy line for the Lefthanders. Yath Asp leather was stout stuff--resistant to cuts and gouges. It was the perfect material for a stylish war girdle.
- Singersteel Clasp What a curious relic. It's a belt clasp, certainly, but the metal and configuration are quite unique. Do you see how it cinches from the left? This may have belonged to a Lefthander noble from ancient Yokuda!
- Singersteel Clasp This metal looks like an alloy--nine parts steel and one part orichalcum. Redguards call it Singersteel. According to the myths, the Yokudans used orichalc to drive the Elves out. Maybe the Lefthanders got their hands on a bit of orichalcum as well?
- Singersteel Clasp There's a story about The HoonDing Gong. Apparently, Diagna crashed his fist against it and swords fell from the walls of the Orichalc Tower like needles from a dry pine! I wouldn't tell a Crown that Lefthanders made belts from sacred metal!