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ArrowCodex - Yellowed Grummite Pearl

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Yellowed Grummite Pearl in the ESO-Database.

Eyevea Antiquities Codex - Yellowed Grummite Pearl

  • Amalien Ha! Do you know what this is? It's no treasure from a clam, I can tell you that. This is a genuine grummite pearl! According to Divayth Fyr's tome of oddities, these creatures lurk in bogs all over Sheogorath's realm, the Shivering Isles.
  • Gabrielle Benele The works of Divayth Fyr aren't exactly the most reliable books on the subject, Amalien. Even so, this doesn't resemble any pearl I've seen before. Was it always this yellow? Is that a unique property of grummite pearls?
  • Ugron gro-Thumog I read about some mage from High Rock who tried to transport grummites to Tamriel so he could harvest them for pearls. Locals razed his tower to the ground, with him inside. Good thing too. Can you imagine creatures like that making it into our waterways?