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ArrowCodex - Inert Daedric Manacles

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Inert Daedric Manacles in the ESO-Database.

Coldharbour Antiquities Codex - Inert Daedric Manacles

  • Gabrielle Benele Strange. These are magically inert and without mechanical locks, leading me to believe they were ensorcelled shackles. They're also quite fashionable, don't you think? If I had to be imprisoned I wouldn't be too unhappy about these. Any thoughts?
  • Amalien Given where this was found, I wonder if we should consider the possibility of this being from the Lightless Oubliette. The blue crystal residue might be a clue! There were no white or gold colored crystals allowed inside the prison.
  • Verita Numida While I agree these are from Coldharbour itself, I'm hesitant to jump to conclusions based on mere residue. The Lightless Oubliette was a detention facility for servants of Meridia. Manacles seem too kind a punishment for what goes on in that place.