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Codex - Brazier of Frozen Flame
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Brazier of Frozen Flame in the ESO-Database.
Bleakrock Isle
Codex - Brazier of Frozen Flame
- What a find! I'd have to take a closer look, but the body of the brazier looks like stalhrim! Can you imagine? Ice infused with divine power, making it hard as steel! I've only ever seen it employed in arms, armor, and burial rituals.
- I assume you're citing old Skaal stories, Amalien? Personally, I've never seen any compelling evidence of a godly connection to this material. The world is full of naturally occurring substances with fantastical origin stories. Stalhrim is no different.
- Stalhrim is undeniably mortal-made. Focus on the brazier. I don't recognize any of these markings as burial motifs, but stalhrim was traditionally used in funerary rituals. I know Nords abhor spellcraft, but this looks like an arcane focus to me.