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Codex - Cloven Ritual Mask
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Cloven Ritual Mask in the ESO-Database.
Bleakrock Isle
Codex - Cloven Ritual Mask
- Here's a real find! This was a Dragon Cult mask. Dragon Priests believed that they became living vessels of their Dragon-gods' spirits and spoke with divine authority when they donned these masks. An oaken one like this probably belonged to lesser clergy.
- Of course it's a Dragon Cult mask—anyone can see that. Let me offer a more scholarly assessment: The mask's warlike design suggests a more aggressive posture—something that a Dragon worshiper might wear into battle.
- As Verita notes, this is a Dragon Faithful's war-mask. I'm no carpenter, but the way it's been hewn right down the center might indicate a sword stroke. Perhaps this fellow met his end under the blade of a rebelling Nord.