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Codex - Tri-Angled Truth Altar
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Tri-Angled Truth Altar in the ESO-Database.
Bal Foyen
Codex - Tri-Angled Truth Altar
- Wow! Given the iconography on this pyramid, I think we can safely assume this object predates the rise of the Tribunal! See how there's no reference to Almsivi? These marks venerate the old gods: Boethiah, Mephala, and Azura.
- Exactly right, Amalien. Odd to find such a fine, polished object carved in the Chimeric tradition. Velothi asceticism and Boethian values drove them to work in unconventional materials, even during their Golden Age. This feels modern. Overly geometric.
- Nerevar and Dumac's warm relationship likely led to some cultural exchange. Dwemer society was too intransigent to absorb traditions from other cultures, but even the most pious Chimer probably wanted a break from stone and chitin-carving at some point.