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Codex - Resdayni Signet Ring
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Resdayni Signet Ring in the ESO-Database.
Bal Foyen
Codex - Resdayni Signet Ring
- A rare find. The ring bears two emblems: one Dwemeri, one Chimeri. This, then, is a token of high office from the short-lived peace of Resdayn, in the days of the First Council. Lord Indoril Nerevar and the Dwarf-King Dumac ruled jointly and wisely … for a time. Soon enough Dwemer and Chimer turned against each other in a bitter war, to no one's surprise. Ah, well. The size of this signet and the royal flourishes show that this ring belonged to a high councilor of the realm.