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ArrowCodex - Echoes of Aldmeris

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Echoes of Aldmeris in the ESO-Database.

Auridon Antiquities Codex - Echoes of Aldmeris

  • Gabrielle Benele What a gorgeous triptych. Someone clearly placed a fixative spell on the frame. The painting itself is probably far older than it looks. I have no idea what place it's meant to depict, though.
  • Amalien I do. Home. Aldmeris. The beginning place for all the mer of Tamriel. I doubt the real Aldmeris looked anything like this. But just looking at it stirs up a feeling in me ... like entering my father's house after a long journey abroad.
  • Verita Numida It pains me to admit that I don't recognize this school of painting. It's so vague, yet evocative. Proud spires, floating obelisks, wispy, concentric clouds .... The artist really made an effort to capture Elven majesty there.