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ArrowCodex - Scale-Etched Slither Pipe

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Scale-Etched Slither Pipe in the ESO-Database.

Auridon Antiquities Codex - Scale-Etched Slither Pipe

  • Amalien The scales on this snake pipe possess so much detail, but who would want to press their lips to it, unless … Maormer? That explains the shape—a snake—but what kind? The blue and green bands shift into each other hypnotically. Does it charm people?
  • Reginus Buca Charm people? Hardly. That feeling you have is natural reaction to peerless craftsmanship. And the presence of a snake does not always mean Maormer were involved. I could see a Mer crafting this elegant item simply because they like snakes!
  • Amalien Don't be dense! Look at the contours of the face, and this salt-glazing technique! You're just being contrary. The residue inside looks green and flaky--perhaps the ashy remains of some seaweed they find particularly aromatic. I bet it smelled terrible!