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Codex - Apocrypha Fossil, Ribcage
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Apocrypha Fossil, Ribcage in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Apocrypha Fossil, Ribcage
- Clearly the fossilized remains of a large creature that once lived in ancient Apocrypha. The elongated spine denotes a serpentine biology. The creature likely moved without the use of legs.
- While it is probable this creature didn't have legs as we know them, Ugron, the curvature of the ribs suggests an unusual anatomy. Perhaps this was one of the many levitating creatures of Apocrypha?
- You're both missing a key idea: tentacles. What if these aren't ribs, but rather the hardened remains of tentacles? They could have been used to scoop prey into an oddly situated mouth at the center of the body. Apocrypha has no shortage of wonders.