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Codex - Archival Light Diffuser, Small
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Archival Light Diffuser, Small in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Archival Light Diffuser, Small
- Entry 1: On one of my personal travels, I happened to discover a small light of sorts. It seems to pulsate whenever I hover it over my books, specifically that detail Apocrypha.
- Entry 2: After consulting Ugron and dismissing his word of caution for the sake of an Antiquarian's pursuit of knowledge, I decided to apply pressure to one of its surfaces and discovered it diffuses colored light!
- Entry 3: I awoke in the middle of the night with a surge of inspiration. Some research later, the light now shines across formerly blank tomes and pages, revealing words and symbols my eyes have never seen. Discovery!