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Codex - Hermaeus Mora Eye Engraving
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Hermaeus Mora Eye Engraving in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Hermaeus Mora Eye Engraving
- Apocrypha Tentacle Carving Interesting. The stone carving appears to depict the tentacles of Hermaeus Mora or his watchers. This motif is often seen in artifacts from Apocrypha. Upon closer inspection, it looks to be a fragment of a larger piece.
- Apocrypha Tentacle Carving The additional context helps here. This may have been an ancient grave marker for Mora's faithful, given the permanence of the stone carving and the tentacular design. More research is needed on the burial customs of Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha Tentacle Carving As much as I hate to disagree with Ugron, he sees graves everywhere. No, likely this carving had a different purpose - you'll note there's no epitaph. For a culture so concerned with hoarding knowledge and writing, this would be a major oversight.
- Apocrypha Stone Base The residual arcane energy trapped within this stone clearly marks it as Apocryphal in origin. It is an ornate carving, perhaps it was used as an altar or ritual site by ancient denizens of Apocrypha?
- Apocrypha Stone Base Reginus is right, there's still a strong arcane energy emanating from within. I believe this fragment may have been used as a grounding anchor for spellwork, or perhaps as a way to mark confluences of energy within Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha Stone Base You're not seeing the whole picture. This base contains conduits for the flow of energy, yes, but this is not the entirety of its purpose. It must be part of a larger mechanism, perhaps enabling an arcane energy transfer.
- Hermaeus Mora Eye Engraving What a stunning engraving! The iconic hourglass pupil of Hermaeus Mora is clearly visible in the stone eye at the center. Mora's image never appears idly, this artifact would have had an important purpose to his followers.
- Hermaeus Mora Eye Engraving I'm no expert on arcane research, I'll leave that to Gabrielle, but it seems the use of Mora's eye here denotes a connection between the Prince himself and the user. Perhaps something to do with understanding the Prince's vision for the world?
- Hermaeus Mora Eye Engraving Amalien's last note got me thinking. I exposed the engraving to arcane energy, which caused the stone itself to glow green! When placed in context with the whole, this item must have conferred some of Mora's powers on his ancient scholars.