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Codex - Endless Apocryphal Light
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Endless Apocryphal Light in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Endless Apocryphal Light
- Structural Tentacle Arch The craftsmanship is exquisite. Almost has me believing that these tentacles actually move.
- Structural Tentacle Arch Best temper your sight and self, Amalien, for it might blind what's truly here. What we can learn about Apocryphal design.
- Structural Tentacle Arch Mortal make, it seems. But guided by a Daedric hand.
- Fated Loom Threads While my knowledge in fabrics leaves much to be desired, I examined each strand of fabric and discovered something curious. Any guesses?
- Fated Loom Threads Another one of your games, Reginus? A skim through my fingers tells me it's definitely not magicka, and yet the feeling is somehow familiar.
- Fated Loom Threads The fabric itself may be resonant with Daedric energy, but each thread is laced with a fated strand of Apocrypha itself. Perhaps weaving it into something puts the wearer in fate's favor? Mora, always mysterious!
- Writhing Tendril Harness These tentacles seem to be working together for a stronger grip, forming a tendril of sorts … but to carve and bend materials in such a manner.
- Writhing Tendril Harness The finishing and texture don't match the other Apocryphic relics we've found at all. Either that, or someone never bothered to finish with a polish.
- Writhing Tendril Harness As history has taught us countless times: a weapon or tool is hailed for its use rather than its appearance. And yet, what an appearance this has.
- Carved Mora Treadles Mora's markings are of course instantly recognizable, but these pedals at the base stick out like a sorcerer's staff.
- Carved Mora Treadles The One Who Knows holds secrets and truths of Tamriel's history, perhaps even Nirn, that are beyond our understanding. Certainly, beyond mine.
- Carved Mora Treadles They're treadles, Ugron. I loved using these on my loom back in Summerset. High Elf children can tend to be cruel just as they are cunning, and having a hobby helped channel my frustrations.
- Endless Apocryphal Light Apocrypha's everlasting green illumination is one phenomenon I've always debated: magicka, or soul energy?
- Endless Apocryphal Light Perhaps the beads of light hold malachite to absorb magicka? Elven armor is embroidered with it in Summerset.
- Endless Apocryphal Light I've traded with Malachite and could recognize its glow with my eyes closed - this is brighter and more absorbing. It seems to power something for infinite use, and neither magicka is hardly endless.