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Back to the overview Leaderboard Leaderboard: Alliance Points gained

Place Character Value
1 EU Megaserver Thalgeth Asensvedottir Alliance Points 1,533,176
2 NA Megaserver Keep-It-Cool Alliance Points 751,783
3 NA Megaserver Shre'em Alliance Points 580,000
4 EU Megaserver Norafine Alliance Points 487,967
5 EU Megaserver nightcomander Alliance Points 371,138
6 NA Megaserver Farrus the Ferret Alliance Points 257,274
7 EU Megaserver Milesa Beloth Alliance Points 248,759
8 EU Megaserver Fiara Duskraven Alliance Points 246,886
9 EU Megaserver Al Don Alliance Points 198,177
10 NA Megaserver Mediage Alliance Points 182,524
11 EU Megaserver Majin Goku Alliance Points 173,219
12 EU Megaserver Ancaríl Alliance Points 172,324
13 EU Megaserver Senora Raven Alliance Points 162,378
14 EU Megaserver Uses-Litter-as-Glitter Alliance Points 157,406
15 EU Megaserver Vakse Hubert Alliance Points 144,479
16 EU Megaserver Kann-Bilder-hören Alliance Points 136,248
17 EU Megaserver Thilda von Waltringhausen Alliance Points 124,636
18 EU Megaserver Beatrice de la Serre Alliance Points 124,617
19 EU Megaserver Guldkorn Alliance Points 107,783
20 EU Megaserver Tanken fra Nord Alliance Points 106,085
21 EU Megaserver Lokis Drachenflüsterin Alliance Points 100,466
22 EU Megaserver 'Vick Alliance Points 97,568
23 EU Megaserver Bustybuffy Alliance Points 96,983
24 EU Megaserver Orkon Alinor Alliance Points 94,802
25 EU Megaserver Rafael Carré Alliance Points 91,412
26 EU Megaserver Pozza Morta Alliance Points 89,001
27 EU Megaserver D e l Alliance Points 85,002
28 EU Megaserver Faith Eisauge Alliance Points 79,583
29 NA Megaserver Gaius Cornelius Alliance Points 77,350
30 NA Megaserver Lucien E'layne Alliance Points 73,212
31 EU Megaserver Sir Francis Brake Alliance Points 72,000
32 EU Megaserver Castus Blastus Alliance Points 67,449
33 EU Megaserver Bodenprober Alliance Points 67,186
34 NA Megaserver Sahara Thrust Alliance Points 64,712
35 NA Megaserver Surrenders-To-The-Flow Alliance Points 64,600
36 NA Megaserver Freya Orm Alliance Points 64,051
37 NA Megaserver Jilo Amelian Alliance Points 63,437
38 EU Megaserver Covidalisa Alliance Points 61,775
39 EU Megaserver Auge von der Landwehr Alliance Points 59,943
40 EU Megaserver Silvana Eisvogel Alliance Points 57,923
41 EU Megaserver Daddy's Colossus Alliance Points 55,900
42 NA Megaserver Tenko Kurama Jinchūriki Alliance Points 55,647
43 NA Megaserver Belzedar Blackthorn Alliance Points 55,479
44 EU Megaserver Antveria Alliance Points 50,635
45 EU Megaserver Doigts de Fourrure agiles Alliance Points 45,109
46 NA Megaserver Solcanar Alliance Points 43,887
47 NA Megaserver Xurkane Alliance Points 41,374
48 NA Megaserver Kityn of Doom Alliance Points 39,323
49 NA Megaserver arcnad slash Alliance Points 38,548
50 NA Megaserver Panakeia-Vejovis Alliance Points 38,117
51 EU Megaserver Á mahta tenna qualmë Alliance Points 37,584
52 NA Megaserver Dilbertya Alliance Points 32,062
53 EU Megaserver Wilma Saufen Alliance Points 30,760
54 EU Megaserver Eärendil Ardamírë Alliance Points 28,812
55 NA Megaserver Minerva Lustfang Alliance Points 24,625
56 EU Megaserver Ârsquê Alliance Points 24,210
57 EU Megaserver Pentecho Alliance Points 23,569
58 EU Megaserver Lashandra Nhachur Alliance Points 22,096
59 EU Megaserver Düsterzwölf Alliance Points 19,153
60 NA Megaserver Phantom-of-the-Marsh Alliance Points 18,625