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ArrowWhat a Mess

Aldmeri Dominion

NA Megaserver What a Mess

Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 02/09/2018
3,697 Characters
Welcome to the guild profile of What a Mess!

Guild roster Guild roster

There are 3628 more characters in this guild. Add your data now!
Name Rank Champion Rank Alliance Race Class
NA Megaserver Message Redacted 50 374 Daggerfall Covenant Redguard Templar
NA Megaserver Leighess 50 1563 Ebonheart Pact Nord Templar
NA Megaserver Gecko Stickyfoot 50 660 Ebonheart Pact Orc Nightblade
NA Megaserver Jamara Vireo 50 1766 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Necromancer
NA Megaserver Vampiretta Stabulosa 50 924 Aldmeri Dominion High Elf Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Ferit de Obumbratio 50 1344 Ebonheart Pact Breton Nightblade
NA Megaserver Sempera Mortis 50 1177 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Templar
NA Megaserver Tinuvia Luthrindi 50 2059 Aldmeri Dominion High Elf Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Futtermeister 50 1219 Aldmeri Dominion Imperial Templar
NA Megaserver Marvali 50 1768 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Sheherezade Cibil 50 1219 Ebonheart Pact Dark Elf Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Moralon E'Keiron 50 2059 Aldmeri Dominion Imperial Necromancer
NA Megaserver Elif Cibil 50 1222 Aldmeri Dominion Imperial Templar
NA Megaserver Arrianna E'Keiron 50 2059 Daggerfall Covenant Imperial Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Tatianna Ezabella 50 2059 Daggerfall Covenant Imperial Necromancer
NA Megaserver Mireille Noir 50 319 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Necromancer
NA Megaserver Yadyra 50 1219 Daggerfall Covenant Dark Elf Templar
NA Megaserver Sylphe Mortis 50 1177 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Templar
NA Megaserver Olivia Truth Wielder 50 676 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Xardya 50 1219 Aldmeri Dominion Dark Elf Necromancer
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